Social Media Overwhelm

Social Media Overwhelm

Social Media got you feeling overwhelmed? I know that game all too much. The funny thing about social media is that I was never fully into it. Yeah, I like it, but I wasn’t obsessed like others were then and still to this day.

Either way, social media is now a permanent fixture in our society. It’s a way of life. And just like anything else, it’s a double edged sword. On one hand it’s create countless opportunities for people in a positive sense. Helping others get out their story, helping people get discovered and helping millions of like minded people to connect from anywhere in the world.

But I’m talking business. What about the business side of social media. Is there real money to be made? And if so, how do I get a piece of that? What about promotion? I just listed how social media has helped countless people self promote and get recognized for their talents. So I guess my real question is does it add to your bottom line? Period.

I guess the answer is yes and no. For example, most of my client work is for social media, being that I do a lot of video marketing and promotion. Yet for myself personally, I’ve never landed a deal via social media. Most of my deals all come from face to face interaction. You got to get out there and meet people or at least surround yourself with the type of people that you need to accomplish your goal.

As much as I like social media, I like seeing my work getting published and helping my clients, I sometimes feel like social media is a screaming match. Everyone is trying so hard to get noticed. Algorithms are a pain in the ass and control and ownership is hitting some mercy waters. Especially for freelancers who don’t really know their business. Trust me, that was me for a long while and I’m still trying to figure things out.

My advice is step back, look at your business and see what’s really been working. Where is the money really coming from? and how can I do more of that?